*NEW* Press Release: Dan Rather Reports, “Adopted or Abducted?”

Monday, May 07, 2012
Sedona: Arizona
American media has presented infant adoption as a wonderful choice not only for infertile couples but single mothers as well. The untold history of the American Baby Scoop Era, 1940s-1970s (BSE), that was exposed by a Dan Rather Reports program that aired on May 1, 2012, is that for decades, millions of white, single, pregnant American women were incarcerated against their will in maternity homes or other places of hiding. These women, without criminal conviction, were subjected to months of thought reform techniques, denied standard prenatal medical care and basic civil rights. During labor and delivery, these mothers were subjected to arm restraints, physical and psychological abuse, medical malpractice including withholding of medication or administering of medications or other treatment without their knowledge or consent. Single American mothers were denied legal representation and then coerced to provide signatures on relinquishment documents with the use of trickery, duress, falsehoods, and force. Mothers were systematically and illegally denied access to their newborns in hospital. Many babies were taken directly from delivery tables, mothers never seeing, holding or nursing them. Some mothers were informed by hospital staff that their newborns had died in order offer her healthy newborn to a lucrative adoption system. These policies and practices were commonplace nationwide.
The abusive, dehumanizing tactics used to secure newborns for adoption has resulted in a lifetime of unresolved grief, loss and trauma; the psychological effects upon mothers and their children has been unacknowledged by society and untreated by mental health professionals.
These unethical practices were committed by church and county agencies while ignoring research showing the harmful effects to mothers and infants.
Dan Rather Reports on HDNet aired on May 1, 2012 an hour long report exposing these civil rights abuses and lifts the curtain on the topic of forced infant adoption practices in the United States with unbiased journalistic reporting. Mothers are coming forward in record numbers to share their stories of abuse, fraud and trauma. http://www.hd.net/programs/danrather/
Origins America applauds the success of Origins Australia in obtaining a Parliamentary Senate Inquiry that resulted in the Final Report released after an 18 month investigation by a twenty member committee headed by Senator Rachel Stewart on February 29, 2012. The Final Report generated global media coverage regarding the decades of fraud and coercion perpetrated upon Australia’s single mothers and their newborn infants. The Final Report implicated the United States and other countries including Canada, UK, and New Zealand.
Origins America is a branch of Origins-International and is committed to supporting people separated by adoption. The mothers of Origins America stand united in demanding a National Inquiry into unlawful, improper, unethical and abusive adoption practices.
Origins America contact information: Cynthia Childress, Executive Director, 928-274-4018, P.O. Box 3705, Sedona Arizona 86336. http://www.originsamerica.org/

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