Mothers for Open Records: Alaska to Colorado

Mothers for Open Records Everywhere (M.O.R.E.)


We, mothers separated from our children by adoption, hereby state publicly and unequivocally that we fully support open records for adult adoptees. We further state publicly and unequivocally that we were NEVER promised privacy or confidentiality, either verbally or in writing, at any time prior to, during, or after the surrender of our children to adoption.

 Alaska to Colorado


Johanna Shoudy, AK 1972
Heather McClane, AK 1984
Heather McClane, AK 1987



Michelle Jernigan, AL
Thomas Head, AL
Joyce Daffron AL 1960
DeLura Dowda, AL 1965
DeLura Dowda, AL 1965
Juanita Melton, AL 1965
Juanta Melton,  AL 1965
Claudette Mason, AL 1966
Joann Seeley, AL 1967
Deborah Monis, AL 1969
Deborah Thomasson, AL 1969
Kathy Henderson, AL 1972
Deborah Zargham, AL 1978
Mitzi D. Harville, AL 1978
Robin Heath, AL 1982
Angela Tullis, AL 1987



Helen Martin Monroe, AR 1945
Susan Cameron, AR 1965
Karen Skocdopole, AR 1966
Della Yocum, AR 1967
Brenda Estes, AR 1969
Tawny Cardell-Northern, AR 1970
Tracey Converse, AR 1970
Karen McCoy, AR 1973
Debbie Climer, AR 1975
Debbie Climer, AR 1975
Jennifer, AR 1977
Nancy Peuraharju, AR 1981
Theresa Martin, AR 1985

Robin Doucette, AR 1981



Louann Fuller, AZ
Margaret Mesa, AZ 1955
Marilyn Tausz-Nieto, AZ 1966
Linda Beck, AZ 1967
Judy Sullivan, AZ 1968
Marilyn Waugh, AZ 1970
Crucita Nuanez-Ochoa, AZ 1975
Rhonda Nichols, AZ 1975
Rhonda Nichols, AZ 1975
Randi Sue Sparks, AZ 1978
Louise Pepper, AZ 1981
Louise Jaxel, AZ 1983
Michiko Pasto, AZ 1983
Tina Marie Wilson, AZ 1984
Leanne Oliver, AZ 1989
Lori Jo Tucker, AZ 2000

Rachel LaMaide, AZ  1983




Susan Woodward-Boone, CA 1945
Linda Stephan, CA 1947
Roberta Myers, CA 1951
Caroline Powser, CA 1954
James Crossen, CA 1955
Jeanette Roberts, CA 1956
Kim Marth, CA 1957
Helen Tobler, CA 1958
Madeline Morris, CA 1959
Carolyn Richardson, CA 1960
Katherine Connolly, CA 1960
Nanette Schaible, CA 1960Susan Y. Stickel, CA 1960
Darlene Rosiere, CA 1961
Lois McDonald, CA 1961
Mary Lynne Smith, CA 1961
Sharon Grive, CA 1961
Bonnie Parr, CA 1962
Dondi Wheelan, CA 1962
Joyce Walker, CA 1962
Patricia Bydwell, CA 1962
Randi Bell, CA 1962
Robert Davis, CA 1962
Geri Jordan Hemby, CA 1963
Jo L. Ray, CA 1963
Kathy Koehler, CA 1963
Kathleen Lee, CA 1964
Kathy Koehler, CA 1964
Peggy Sullivan, CA 1964
Rebecca Massey, CA 1964
Veronica Boudreau, CA 1964
Margaret LyBurtus, CA


Claudia VanLydegra, CA 1965
Donna Bensen, CA 1965
Irma Garcia, CA 1965
Karen Roy Crockett, CA 1965
Lorna, CA 1965
Dore, CA 1966
Gale Munden, CA 1966
Jane Edwards, CA 1966
Kate Irvine-Mills, CA 1966
Kathy White Moore, CA 1966
Pat Griffiths, CA 1966
Susan Bentley, CA 1966
Vicki Miller, CA 1966
Cathy Bailey, CA 1967
Gail Lee Day, CA 1967
Linda Orozco, CA 1967
Memory Mann, CA 1967
Sandra Martin, CA 1967
Betsey Holt, CA 1968
Betsy Goodwin, CA 1968
Catherine Berman, CA 1968
Cheryl Rickards, CA 1968
Delayn Curtis, CA 1968
Linda Beveridge, CA 1968
Nancy Benton, CA 1968
Noreen Chilson, CA 1968
Patty Belden, CA 1968
Rose, Ca 1968
Cathy Pedrola, CA 1969
Celia Graham, CA 1969
Cheryl Brisson, CA 1969
Dorothy Solis, CA 1969
Ilene Wood, CA 1969
Janis Osborne, CA 1969
Judy Graham, CA 1969
Linda Webber, CA 1969
Liz Sheader, CA 1969
Noreen Chilson, CA 1969
Alcye Tyree, CA 1970
Barbara Murray, CA 1970
Debra Kiser, CA 1970
Denise L. Roessle, CA 1970
Eileen Baum, CA 1970
Elizabeth Maes, CA 1970
Kathleen Hoeg, CA 1970
Nancy Eisbrenner, CA 1970
Roberta Miller, CA 1970
Karen Kline, CA 1971
Mimi Janes, CA 1971
Donna Valdivia, CA 1972
Marilyn McCoy, CA 1972
Debra Lawson-Fields, CA 1973
Glen Frazer, CA 1973
John Burkholder, CA 1973
Melanie Bryce, CA 1973
Tammy Russell, CA 1973
Victoria Lawson, CA 1973
Karyn Keyes, CA 1974
Kathy Pearce, CA 1974
Marlys Rasmussen, CA 1974
Tammie Roberts, CA 1974
Kim Murphy, CA 1975
Pearl Osborne, CA 1975
Eileen Drennen, CA 1976
Elizabeth Hung, CA 1976
Menda Hayden, CA 1976
Deborah Fortuna, CA 1977
Kathy Pearce, CA 1977
Lita Soule, CA 1978
Janice Harris, CA 1979
Jeanette Vogt, CA 1979
Kim Rodriguez, CA 1979
Marilyn McCown, CA 1979
Mimi Janes, CA 1979
Susan Leontii, CA 1979
Gerri Bitz, CA 1980
Janice Harris, CA 1980
Dana Copeland, CA 1981
Elizabeth Allen, CA 1981
Mary Stout, CA 1981
Tracy, CA 1981
Tracy Moyers, CA 1981
Kelly Haber, CA 1982
Shannon Basore, CA 1982
Tamara Davies, CA 1982
Jerri Adams, CA 1983
Barbara Johnson, CA 1984
Joey Steele, CA 1985
Michelle Bisacchi, CA 1985
Linda Garis-Fletcher, CA 1986
Ceren Richardson, CA 1987
Michelle Gaarder, CA 1988
Jamie Katz-Ridlon, CA 1990
Janice Crane, CA 1995
Lynette Constant, CA 1996
Brandi Williams, CA 1998
Stephanie Hinkle, CA 1998

Victoria D. Black, CA 1967

Michelle Styles, CA 1984

Margaret LyBurtus, CA

Jessika Rene Fialho, CA 2008


Marlys Phillips, CO 1956
Marie Barron, CO 1961
Kate O’Connor, CO 1964
Marcelyn Todd, CO 1965
Bonnie Piazza, CO 1968
Gayle Davis, CO 1969
Anne Marie Nicholas, CO 1970
Margaret Toppenberg, CO 1970
Judy Sandness, CO 1972
Kenneth McDowell, CO 1972
Kathy Griffin, CO 1974
Darlene Renfro, CO 1976
Mary Bowman, CO 1976
Lyn Heidel, CO 1977
Amanda Bandy, CO 1978
Susan Tatum, CO 1980
Carrie Castro, CO 1981
Mary Gilliam, CO 1984
Regina Garcia, CO 1990
Sharon Smith, CO 1995


To be included on this declaration, please email us with your name, address (confidential), email address (confidential) and the state and year in which you surrendered your baby.

